quinta-feira, 5 de abril de 2007

La chute d' Icare

Secret heart, what are you made of ? What are you so afraid of ? Could it be three simple words, or the fear of being overheard...What's wrong?
Let her in on your secret heart.
Secret heart,
why so mysterious? Why so sacred, why so serious?
Maybe you're just acting tough ... maybe you're just not bad enough ...
What's wrong?

Secret Heart - Feist. La Chute d'Icare - Henri Matisse.

2 comentários:

Anónimo disse...

Diz-m q sou eu o teu amor secreto. Não me ouves?

Lara disse...

Só tu para me fazeres rir:) Um beijinho em forma de "oito deitado" (infinito) para ti*